About the brand


We are now constructing our own facilities for the production of cat and dog foods and will soon be able to greatly extend our product ranges. BOWL WOW TM meals are currently manufactured at a factory in Belousovo (Kaluga region)..

Our brand's key feature is a focus on quality and safety (we feed this food for our own pets). As a result, we are meticulous about the entire manufacturing process, from raw material procurement to final product acceptance.

We employ quality ingredients obtained solely from reputable suppliers, as well as sophisticated processing procedures that allow us to preserve the beneficial effects on health and ensure the safety of the finished product.


Our manufacturing process includes multiple rigorous quality control stages:

  • First, we audit potential suppliers to ensure their integrity, quality control system, and other manufacturing qualities. We only begin working with a supplier if the appropriate audit has been performed satisfactorily.
  • When raw materials arrive at the factory, they are subjected to a first revision process that includes document conformity, appearance, and transit conditions.
  • After the raw materials are accepted, they are quarantined until the results of the analyses are obtained. Raw material samples are evaluated in the laboratory for the primary quality indicators, and only after receiving lab approval is this batch of raw materials approved for production.
  • As soon as the manufacturing procedure is complete, the prepared rations are once again transferred to the quarantine facility, where the product's appearance is scrutinized and its quality is verified through laboratory testing.

If all tests are passed satisfactorily, the product is eligible to be sold.

Manufacturing process


The production of BOWL WOW™ foods begins with the grinding of dry components: if grain ingredients are used, they are ground and mixed with dehydrated meat. The resulting mix goes through additional grinding, gets moistened with steam and enriched with natural fats, vitamins and minerals.

Next, the extrusion and formation of pellets begins. During the procedure, pressure build-up and heat treatment occur, both increasing the digestive bioavailability of the food and providing additional safety.

The resulting granules are dried with warm air and further processed with Omega-6 spray. It helps to both enrich the food with tocopherols and create a unique natural taste and flavor mix.

Then, the end product is carefully packaged, labeled and sent for final inspection.