About the brand


BOWL WOW™ offers organic, super-premium diets for dogs and cats. Our top priorities are ensuring the quality of our products and developing truly healthy and functional ingredients for our recipes. We're pleased to announce that all of our raw materials go through multifactor laboratory testing. And our finished items are both high-quality and safe.

Our feed ingredients are blended together with veterinary experts from the Novosibirsk Regional Center for Veterinary and Sanitary Provision and nutritionists from the MTU community. Not only is the feed easily digestible, but it also provides your pets with a full complement of all the essential amino acids (learn more about BVAAP technology). We conduct a regular feed intake test, so we are confident that your pets will enjoy the great taste and smell of BOWL WOW™.


MTU – сообщество ветеринарных экспертов России

Доступ к 3000 ветеринарных врачей в профессиональном сообществе MTU VetClub. Совместные продуктовая разработка и программы обучения

Новосибирский областной центр ветеринарно-санитарного обеспечения

Совместные исследования с Новосибирским областным центром ветеринарно-санитарного обеспечения


The entire BOWL WOW™ product line is fully compliant with international FEDIAF, AAFCO, NRC feed standards and Russian State standard STST P 55453-2022. This means that we are serious about the quality of the food and its impact on the health and body of your pet. Our diets are formulated with the latest research, recommendations and requirements in the pet food industry.


The European Federation of the Pet Food Industry, which regularly conducts veterinary, nutritional and technological research in the field of animal nutrition. Conclusions, norms and recommendations are published annually in the "Guidelines for the nutrition of dogs and cats with ready-made complete and additional feeds."


NRC (National Research Council): Canadian quality standard. The NRC is a government agency that conducts many studies, including issuing nutritional guidelines for a wide variety of animals. Recommendations are regularly updated based on the latest scientific evidence.


AAFCO (The Association of American Feed Control Officials): American quality standard. AAFCO issues guidelines and quality standards defining which ingredients are considered complete, balanced and approved for use in animal feed.

State standard STST Р 55453-2022

Approved Russian standard for technical regulation of animal feed. Developed by a group that includes research institutes, associations of veterinarians and major zoological organizations in Russia. The standard approves the norms for declaration, labeling and protein and vitamin content in diets for animals.